Nov 6, 2009

Oryx and Crake illustrations

An artist named Jason Courtney has done a short series of very cool illustrations based on Margaret Atwood's novel Oryx and Crake. Go, look.

(Found on the blog Uncertain Times, which you really should check out.)


OlmanFeelyus said...

Wow. Those are cool and make me want to read Oryx and Crake. I'm currently boycotting Margaret Atwood (for her snobbish attempts to distance herself from science fiction; "speculative fiction"-bah) but maybe I'll put it on hiatus and check out these Pigoos and glowing rabbits and such!

That Hank said...

Hey, drop me an email. drunkonpabst at

Hence72 said...

hi, pleased to meet you

Your blog looks fantastic

Come and pay a visit some time

That Hank said...

Hey, glad you like it.

Benjamin Rangel said...

Awesome Awesome Awesome

That Hank said...

Pretty much some of the coolest shit ever, huh?

x-ray iris said...

Late to the party, but this gives me cold chills on a hot day.